Should Spanish Be Taught “Gender-Neutral”?
Spanish is one of the most popularly-taught languages in the world; should it exist differently in classes for the sake of gender inclusivity?

AI Rest My Case: Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Judges?
A closer, realistic look at the possibility of Artificial Intelligence in the court of law.

The Value of Linguistic Analysis in Philosophy
What role does language play in the analysis and discussion of Philosophy? How much does thought rely on its verbiage?

Descartes: His Existentialist Proof is a Circular Argument
A look at the faulty circular logic behind the legendary “Cogito Ergo Sum”.

Kara-mess-ov: Family Ties and Tangled Minds in The Brothers Karamazov
An Introduction, a Pseudo-Biography, and everything you need to know about the characters of “The Brothers Karamazov”. | Part I of VII

Orwell: The Mindbending Power of Language
An analysis of the usage of language to establish power over the illiterate (and their minds) in Orwell’s works.
The Philosophy Of…

Guest Essay : 1984 Rave

George Orwell, And A Take On His Books
Mini Questions

Guest Essay : 1984 Rave

Breakdown of Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”
An Organized Essay on “Unnatural Society”

Holmes or Poirot?

George Orwell, And A Take On His Books

Gatz to Gatsby: The Death of a Dream

Castle in the Sky: Ethics and the Future of Humanity
An Organized Essay on “Unnatural Society”
Top Conversations

Should Spanish Be Taught “Gender-Neutral”?
Spanish is one of the most popularly-taught languages in the world; should it exist differently in classes for the sake of gender inclusivity?

AI Rest My Case: Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Judges?
A closer, realistic look at the possibility of Artificial Intelligence in the court of law.

The Value of Linguistic Analysis in Philosophy
What role does language play in the analysis and discussion of Philosophy? How much does thought rely on its verbiage?

Descartes: His Existentialist Proof is a Circular Argument
A look at the faulty circular logic behind the legendary “Cogito Ergo Sum”.

Kara-mess-ov: Family Ties and Tangled Minds in The Brothers Karamazov
An Introduction, a Pseudo-Biography, and everything you need to know about the characters of “The Brothers Karamazov”. | Part I of VII

Orwell: The Mindbending Power of Language
An analysis of the usage of language to establish power over the illiterate (and their minds) in Orwell’s works.
The Philosophy Of...

Guest Essay : 1984 Rave

George Orwell, And A Take On His Books
Mini Questions

Guest Essay : 1984 Rave

Breakdown of Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”
An Organized Essay on “Unnatural Society”

Holmes or Poirot?

George Orwell, And A Take On His Books

Gatz to Gatsby: The Death of a Dream